Drivers in 35 cities share their perspective

Unedited responses from drivers in 35 cities

On January 8th, Uber changed driver rates in 48 cities. 2 weeks later we asked active SherpaShare drivers how the felt about this by randomly selecting one active driver in each of the affected cities. We heard back from 35 of them. Here's what they had to say:

Here's what we asked

"Since the rate changes, has your hourly income increased, decreased, or stayed the same?"

"Since the rate changes, are you more busy, less busy, or the same, on the road?"

"Describe how you and others feel about this in your city."

Here's the infographic summary

Uber Rate Changes

See the unedited comments from drivers. Some are quite bold...

You can see average earnings by city via SherpaShare CityMetrics. Average earnings available for 150+ cities. You'll need to login/signup for a free account.

Uber, rate changes

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